Saturday, October 25, 2008

Reflecting on my time: the first week

The week from Monday 22 September to Sunday 28 September made up the first week of the survey of daily activities undertaken as part of assessment for COMP1900. It was Week 10, one week prior to the mid-semester break and it was very busy for me with two assignments due that week, one assignment the week after and three the week after that.

One of the key things that I have to report is that I accumulated 0 hours of work - I am completing above a full academic load, with classes scheduled at irregular hours and thus I don't realistically have the time available to work. In place of that, I devoted a lot of my time to study - 44 hours of it in fact. This was in addition to the 12¾ hours spent in classes - something I tried very hard that week to do as I didn't want to get behind in my lecture knowledge.

My group measured leisure to include sleep, which skewed our results considerably - I ended up having 81¾ hours of leisure, which doesn't quite sit right. When I have gone back to the data and separated leisure to be sleep and recreation, I managed to get 55 hours sleep that week, averaging just shy of 8 hours sleep each night. My time devoted to recreation and leisure added up to 26¾ hours - this included showering and meals.

Driving to uni from my home on the Southside and back each day racked up 8¼ hours of travel time over the course of the week. This probably best sums up the week for me - long and laborious!

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