Friday, October 24, 2008


Welcome to 'Jonathan's Study'.

My name is Jonathan, and I'm a student at the University of Queensland in Australia. This blog has been created as part of the course 'Information Access and Internet Skills' (COMP1900), and is designed to showcase the assessment I have completed thus far and outline the key concepts I have learnt throughout the semester.

Like my personal blog, 'Jonathan's Right', I've used a title for this blog that is designed to exercise the mind and is meant to have multiple meanings. One interpretation cold have the word taken as a noun, where this blog will accompany me in my study (room) while I prepare for my upcoming final exams.

Two other interpretations involve the word being taken as a verb, and relates to the COMP1900 assessment this semester, which I will detail in this blog. In this task, a study (survey) of my study (work) was undertaken to gauge time management and work effectiveness.

In later posts, I will outline the presentation I made regarding my study effectiveness, followed by a review of the things I have learnt during the course of the semester in COMP1900.

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