Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thoughts on COMP1900 students

I don't know if it's the fact that I've been at uni for four years, or maybe it's just ingrained in my mind but I really can't believe the complete cheek some of the people in the class are showing towards the course. So for those that aren't quite up with the etiquette, here's how you generally behave at university:
  1. You don't question the merit of an assessment piece in the assessment piece. Period. You just do them, because they're set. Assigned. Hence assignment.
  2. You stay quiet and do what you're told to do in tutorials. For goodness' sake, playing around on the laptop and not responding to the lecturer should have been left at school.
  3. You don't backchat. Ever.
  4. Finally, if you want to have the respect of your peers, you don't boast that you're smart enough to leave work to the last minute. I'd love to ask you how that plan goes for you at the end of your degree.
Here endeth the lesson.


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