Saturday, November 8, 2008

Applying core themes: my personal computer use

I was excited by the opportunity to do a blog as part of my final assignment for COMP1900 as it is something I already have some experience. As I have mentioned before, I already have a personal blog which enables me to broadcast the opinions that I have on topics of special interest to me that I don't get the opportunity to say elsewhere. Because I am doing five subjects, it has been a little quiet lately, but I plan to actively contribute in the months ahead.

I have set up my Facebook, another Web 2.0 app that I use frequently, so that my friends are alerted when I have a new opinion on something. This caused me a bit of grief when I wrote a particularly controversial post in September which caused a significant stir - while it significantly boosted my site statistics I will probably act in a more cautious fashion in the future.

This most exemplifies the 'From Consumer to Producer' theme of COMP1900. Paradoxically, I am by nature a very private person and very careful about what information is available to people I don't want it to be. I don't use my full name on my blog, and my Facebook is set to only reveal information to my friends. I maintain a PO Box which I use whenever I need to supply an address online. The personal information I feel most perturbed about releasing is my date of birth - I know from working in the medical and paramedical fields that the date of birth is a crucial way of identify a person and I worry about people unnecessarily holding that information.

I have been fascinated throughout this course by having the opportunity to look back over the history of computing and seeing how 'The Power of Computing' has grown, even in just the last decade. It has radically altered how I do my research, how I spend my recreational time and how I store my music - all of which articulate into the 'Interface as a Mediator' theme.

For me, I would have to say that 'Alternative Software' is not a theme that applies very much to my personal computer usage - apart from the occasional usage of my mum's Apple laptop. I love Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office, and despite learning of new platforms that fulfill similar functions, I am very happy with the performance these tried-and-true programs afford me.

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