Saturday, November 8, 2008

Areas for expansion in COMP1900

The four core themes of COMP1900 this semester have each been covered in recent blog posts. I've been really interested in what the semeste has entailed. I am a third-year student in my final semester of university, so this subject has been one of considerable personal interest, yet I can see the benefit this course can present to students in their first year of study by exposing them to the technologies that are going to be of use in later endeavours.

To improve on the mix of skills already learnt in the course, the following are three other topics that could be taught that would be of benefit to students studying COMP1900 in the future:
  1. An overview of how to contribute videos to YouTube.
    This is a key Web 2.0 tool and is a site that will access at least once a week, yet I have absolutely no idea about how to contribute to it. While there may be some students who already know how to go about this, others I'm sure will not and this may be beneficial.

  2. University IT protocols
    Students at the start of their degree would benefit from a broad understanding of the online facilites available at UQ, including the Library and Student Services. It might also be beneficial to inform students of UQ IT policies, and what can and can't be done on UQ computers.

  3. Financial literacy
    A primer of facilities available on the internet to aid financial literacy and manage finances would be useful to first year students who may be independent for the first time.

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